Massive Attack: “United Snakes”
Animation by UVA, directed by Dave Ferner
Originally designed for Massive Attack’s live show at Beck’s Fusions 2008, this animation is now available online. The video was designed using custom 3D software developed by UVA, which allowed the creation of spontaneous, organic forms, simply by “sketching” the outlines.
form follows data
When everything can be visualized and mapped, all in this website.
some really amazing graphics.
some really amazing graphics.
Barry Underwood
I saw this artist on BLDGBLOG today, this let me reminds Sato Tokihiro, a Japanese artist that uses the same techniques as light paintings. One uses colour and the other uses B&W. I like this kind of interference towards a nature landscape, the present of the work on the site is only being remembered through a media not the actual it self. The absence remains after the photos.
Telephone Jim Jesus - Birdstatic
Amazingly beautiful visualization of the trace of a body movement, the delayed and long exposure images composite as an animation of a blur body.
John Baldessari - Arbitrary games
Throwing 4 Balls in the Air to Get a Square,
in which the artist attempted to do just that, photographing the results, and eventually selecting the "best out of 36 tries", with 36 being the determining number just because that is the standard number of shots .
Knud Merrild - Flux Drawings
Knud Merrild (1894-1954) is known as the father of the flux painting technique, as well as an individualist in synthetic cubism and abstract surrealism. http://www.sullivangoss.com/Merrild_Knud/
The Darkside architecture - Mas Yehdo
Mas Yendo was born in 1957 in Tokyo, Japan, and educated at the Rhode Island School of Design (B.A.) and Pratt Institute (M.A., architecture).
He was taught by Lebbeus Woods, so we can see some similar expression from the drawings. but they are achieving in different agenda. As LW is illustrating the conflicts, politics, vectors, which is a "Sudden" impact of forces towards architecture. Yendo is on the opposite side, he introduces the "Slowness" decay of time or in architecture, the memory or trace that embedded in spaces. He argues that buildings cannot remember us, which means it doesn't shows our presence. The difference between architecture and building is that one is idea the other is object, the idea can be recorded into architecture as history but building as object is to be consumed and forgotten. His work is all about what does it mean to you, not how does it work or what is it made of. Although he said he is not a typical Japanese, but I would rather believe the his ascent of design is very indeed Taoism.
Mercedes-Benz SLR McLaren chrome!!
Mercedes-Benz SLR McLaren in Chrome!!
This is really a crazy idea that makes me think of the invisible Austin Martin in 007,the surface of the body becomes the reflected environment that changing in time. the traces of the surroundings left on the moving body....etc. wonder what happen when its moving under the sun, probably will blind the police. It reminds my project somehow.
This is really a crazy idea that makes me think of the invisible Austin Martin in 007,the surface of the body becomes the reflected environment that changing in time. the traces of the surroundings left on the moving body....etc. wonder what happen when its moving under the sun, probably will blind the police. It reminds my project somehow.