
Model Making

寄件者 MArch_Term 01

The Procedure of model making by 2d cutout drawings, the contour section pieces are the unfolded expandings of the object, the in-between slices are the bluring spaces which refer to Derrida's idea of trace, the mark on both in the future and in the past, the individual cutout has the hidden relationship of whole peice, which is also the idea from Differential and Intergral function, that each of the "solution" is the section of the graph. Expand this idea toward my enquiry of trace, the time of "now" is the section of "present", the still image we saw. Looking toward the blur space as time territory of "present" which the hidden dimention are the lofting space that last in-between of now and next now.

2D連續剖面呈現3D立體模型的技術是一個關於微積分的觀念,微分(剖面)積分(剖面集合),當切分越來越細時則會接近原始物體,有趣的是即使是無限細分中仍然存在著剖面與剖面中間的"空白",這個空間到底是什麼? 回歸到徳希達所提出的"痕跡",痕跡是遺留在同時過去與未來中的記號,我將他解讀是一個跨越時間平面的物件,它必須同時存在兩個時間,一個德勒茲時間摺疊中才可能出現的,這個模糊(Blur)的痕跡空間會是什麼? 如果將這觀念來重新解讀時間,現在(present) 是相對過去(Past)與未來(Furure)夾集的領域,是相對定義的而無法絕對定義,如果是這樣現在是一個非線性的空間,因為每個物體有自己的時間軸,當下(Now) 則是現在(Present)的一個剖面就是所謂的單一線性時間,所以我想要觀察的Blur就是這個present下的空間,我所關心的是如何在這個現在中去擺放一個設計,當所有的物體都有自己的時間軸這麼複雜的系統中。

寄件者 MArch_Term 01

寄件者 MArch_Term 01

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