
Dusty Phenomenological Landscape

Dust : the altered spreading substance particle from object

The idea of the overlapping recorded and actual trajectories, the space in between which is the “Blurred space”, consist of these two, the past differentiated moment and the continues occurring within a timeline.

The phenomenological landscape is the event field that is oscillating due to the interference of factors (wind, golf ball, rain..ect.) that altering the geometry of the landscape (the geography of the land), during the event of the interference that occur the blurred space to reveal.

The trace is the after effect of overlapping the time space trajectories which left on the landscape as a recollection of the field event, and the interesting part is that the trace is part of the substance of the landscape and it continues overlapping, such as the foot print that might be stepped on twice, the trace itself is an second order phonological landscape, and it’s the nesting space between the gap.

Now is the program of what this issue can link to architectural space, I’m thinking of what do we need this trace of documented phenomenon for? It might be the observatory, the club house of the golf course as part of the observatory, the observatory that nesting and collecting the information from the event field (the bunker, the tee…etc.), the dust particles as medium of quantity, the noise intensity as medium of quality, the mixing particles and noise as the constructing elements of the club house as 2nd order of the phenomenological landscape, the dirty(dust and noise)house of trace.

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