
Term one Crit

寄件者 +Term one Crits

第一學期的評圖在今天宣告結束,也是迎接聖誕假期的開始,心情是開心呢? 我也說不上來,一方面可以放鬆一下,不用在天天跑系館,一方面是突然生活失去了重心,明天要幹嘛? 不再是八點起床、八點半吃完早飯準備午餐便當,九點出門到系館,工作到晚上十點騎腳踏車回家,十一點吃完晚餐,十二點睡覺,我過這樣軍事般規律生活一個多月。現在算是告一個段落準備迎接第二學期新的開始,有趣的是,設計沒有做完的一天,我躺在床上仍然想著一些我的題目該怎麼繼續發展的可能,因為這只是我一年碩士生活的三分之一,雖然這兩個月已經像是以總評的心態在衝刺著,但之後的兩個學期只有更忙碌、更需衝刺、更多壓力,在這之前我就好好放個最後的假吧。

至於評圖進行得如何? 我的時間從我Present到講評只花了13:50,算是我有史以來評過最快的一次,不知道為什麼,第二天的老師都很安靜,像在趕進度一樣一下就結束了。當然少了砲火也少了講評與建議,也許是因為我的工作量夠,老師們看到覺得沒什麼問題,就希望我繼續發展下去,期待看到有趣的作品,就這樣很快的結束了。很可惜的少了一些對話的機會,這樣算是評的好或不好,我也說不上來,但大家都說老師口頭的稱讚工作狀況非常好算是評的很好的了。anyway,明天就會看到講評的內容了。




Constructing the blurred space object
The progress of experiment is now move forward into a new system, the running golf ball in the woods, it’s an experiment on architecture language as algorithms that dealing with location, trajectory, landscape shift, extracting the event locating in the golf course to discover the geometric relationship between moving object and the trembling landscape, and the possibility of reconstructing the trajectory of the movement of an object as 2nd order geometry that is outside itself. Next step is the projection of the 2nd order geometry onto the 1st order geometry to networking the two geometry dimension, and filling the gap of 1st and 2nd order, as construction of the blurred space object.

The tactics will take part in 5 phases:

A. Locating the object’s position
A set of system that dealing with locating the moving object to define the position from one point to the other, the different timing of the location, and the vectors of the object.
The Tee: by locating springs underneath to sensor the weight of the golf ball, and the vibration of the ball hitting by a club, which trigger the gear bar to move up and down that indicates the location of the ball.
Tee Calibrating Member: the member that calibrates the height of the tee by adjusting the different locking position due to the golf ball location.
The Crane: powered by the amount of the rain stored in the rain tube that fixed with pulley and cable. When the tube filled with certain amount of rain, it pulled up the ball from the storage and flick up to the vessel located on the air.
The Loader: the ball loader that fixed with spring in-between the main structure could measure the quantity of the ball and drop one ball at the time. the adjustment on both side could calibrate the width of the vessel that could sort the ball.

B. Measuring the landscape shifts
The system for measuring the shifting geometry from the landscape that oscillate by the object, and the vectors of particles from the creased and trembling landscape, the trace left behind by the object.
The Sand Trap: the device that dealing with the collision of the golf ball hitting the sand and changes the landscape. Collecting the sand particle by the pocket powered with wind that document the amount of the sand and trigger the pin to make the sound.

C. Documenting vectors of object and particles
A system for collecting the vectors from the moving object and the landscape particles, the feedback information from the locating system that comes into this vector field storage.
The Sound Cocoon: the cocoon is a device for documenting the collision of the ball hitting on the sand, the time and the vectors of the object and the sand particles that makes the sound through the sand trap device, and the place storages all the sound that happens in the golf field as a archeological time capsule.

D. Reconstructing trajectory
While we gather the location and the vectors of the object and particles from the creased landscape we can reconstruct the trajectory by integrating all the information.
The Projector: attaching the lens to gather the sunlight on the sand trap system to project the sequential images of the ball descending from the air to the ground onto the ball surface and the landscape, the ball that carries the past vectors of itself and integrate through time as a trajectory, and the trajectory of the particles as the notation of the collision event.

E. Layered the blurred space object
The blurred space object is the networking object between 1st order and 2nd order geometry, the gap filling object that exist in blurred space, it contains not only the present geometry but also the past traces that left behind and the trajectory as the future movement. The object that made of the images of the trajectory through time and the sound of the fold and crease of landscape shifting.

The golf ball: locate a microphone inside a golf ball that could pick up all the sounds that collected from the sound cocoon, the information of the shifting landscape vectors and the vectors itself. The reflexive coating of the ball imprint the landscape from the ground which collages with the projected trajectory on surface, the idea of revealing the blurred space object.


The TEE 19th

寄件者 MArch_Term 01

寄件者 MArch_Term 01

寄件者 MArch_Term 01

寄件者 MArch_Term 01



寄件者 MArch_Term 01

A long progress of 3d modeling, not yet with materials, still a lot of bunch to go.