
Maxwell Render

This is the result of my first testing on Maxwell Render, I remember this engine attracts my attention during my 3rd year when I was still frustrating with the Final Render which is now already intergrated in Maya. At the time I begin to use a bit of Vray and give up testing it out. The first impression is the interface looks rather complicated and doesn't makes you comfortable for first use. A lot of sub windows and technical caption flying around the settings menu. But actually it only took me like 1 or 2 hr to get familiar with it. The only complicated part is the material settings which is based on layers, blending and weight settings. The rest is straight forward. Set the location of the sun and the time and it does the rest of the job. Although there's more advance settings like turbulance, Ozone...etc. But you can ignore all these and just go for the default. The biggest problem I had is the viewport interface, its completely different than Max, Rhino, Sketchup which is confusing me. Another is the texture UV coordination which is not so intelligent, I really appreciate the Gizmo in 3dmax, simply pulling the axis to arrange the bitmap in viewport. But the really cool thing for the new Maxwell 2.0 is the multi light adjustment, with this you can trun on and off any scene lights(even the colors) anytime while render of after render, which none of the render engine can manage this, its because of using physical light parameters. Basically all u need to do is set the material and just hit render, no need to check light intensity, just adjust it afterwards. Another point of Maxwell is that it doesn't have any light object like spot or omni, and I haven;t figure out how to control the light quality by just using emmisive material, but it supports IES files which makes it even easier for the right light distribution. All above advantages still leads to his big disadvantage, the render speed. This image with SL19 (Maxwell unique passes factor) takes 16 hr and still have a lot of noise needs to be reduced.This especially happens in interior scene where all lights are indirect, not to mention this Tadao Ando's spiritual light. I have a quick check on Maxwell forum, some really decent images comes to 30hrs or more running on a 8 core 3.0Ghz server. So maybe my poor duo core  2.4Ghz for 16hr is nothing. The frustrating thing is that by searching on the forum, I found someone testing it on the same scene with nice material mapping which immediately beat my crappy image. 

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